Coming up Next! Roadmap and timeline…


Coming up Next! Roadmap and timeline…

Coming in July

  • New Hero: The Houndmaster! This rugged ex-constable will wander into the Hamlet, accompanied by his faithful Wolfhound and help restore order to your lawless acreage!
  • Sanitarium overhaul! A significant rework of quirks, diseases, and the Sanitarium is coming! You’ll be able to sculpt your heroes a little more by locking your favourite positive quirks on them – but be warned, doing so is permanent, and cannot be reversed.
  • Diseases will also be separated into their own category, and better integrated into the game game flow.
  • Armor up! Armor icons will upgrade on all heroes.
  • “And more…” Quality of life changes, balance, tuning, gameplay tweaks and other additions are always going into the build!

After the July update, the next stop for us will be the Cove, a completely new dungeon with it’s own bosses, monsters, curios, traps, and obstacles! If things weren’t salty enough, get ready to choke down on the briny waters as your sodden adventurers push ever closer to… The Darkest Dungeon!

Our full 1.0 release is scheduled for late October, this year!

The final dungeon and story content will be added, and you will conclude your quest to restore your family’s estate, or die trying. What can you expect in the Darkest Dungeon? We’re not saying a word…

Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm – we’re working as hard as we can to bring you a fantastic experience!

-The Darkest Dungeon Team

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These forums are closing and migrating to a new location! Please go to and create your account. Feel free to bring your posts over to this new forum.

This topic contains 42 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by Tailwind Tailwind 9 years, 8 months ago.

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